Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pursuing Purpose

Recently I have thinking about my actions and where I have been spending my time. The question that I have been continually asking myself is this, am I living a life of purpose? Do I pursue activities that are glorifying to God or am I content to live in my rut and do things just because I have always done them.

The conclusion that I came to is that if claim to be a sold out Christian who yearns to see God's name glorified, how can I not be purposeful in all my actions? My life is too short to waste time on activities that in essence have no purpose. Should not all my time be spent in areas that make God's name look glorious and majestic?!

Many people in Orange County are very busy people and it is good to be busy and not lazy, but our busy lives should be much different than non-believers busy lives. They love to play sports and study hard so that their name my be glorified and they may think of how great they are in their own eyes. But as Christians we are not our own masters and we have a different name besides our own to glorify. Therefore, we MUST focus on engaging in sports, clubs, etc that actually do glorify God's name. I pray that we will not buy into this culture and be busy for busy's sake but instead we should be busy for God's glory! This is a serious issue at hand for we must evaluate who we are truly living for!!! We must be purposeful and planned in our actions. As Christians we have to pursue purpose in our own lives so that God's name may be glorified!

So in conclusion, I think it is crucial that since we are called to glorify God in all things(1 Cor 10:31) we as Christians should ask ourselves a few questions:
  • Where do I spend my time?
  • Why do I spend my time in these areas?
  • Is God's name really being glorified in whatever areas I am spending time?
  • Am I content with how I am spending my time?
And lastly..
  • Am I pursuing purpose in my life and actions so that God's name may be glorified?


Anonymous said...

challenging stuff man, thanks so much for exhorting us to take our lives to the next level for God's glory!

Haley Litz said...

Wow convicting!! Some though provoking questions that I need to spend some time on myself. Thanks for challenging me with this!!

Vanessa Bence said...

So true Matt! I think that as Christians we definitely must continually ask ourselves are we living a life that glorifies God around the board, not just in our quiet times or in the church, but in every aspect of our lives. I think that a lot of times we do consume ourselves with relationships, activities, sports etc. that bring more focus on ourselves then God and that take away precious time we could be pursuing the Lord and furthering His kingdom. What does it all come down to? The more I think on this the more I realize it comes down to where our heart is...is our heart's desire to please the Lord? If it is then everything about our life will reflect that. Are we really 100% in?

The Orchard Christian Church said...

One of my professors at Dallas Theological Seminary commented that you could tell a person's true values by looking at two items: appointment book calendar and checkbook. In other words, where they spend their time and money. I think we're all on the same page here.

I got a BS in Business Admin, and after going to Dallas for my MA, I served at 2 churches on pastoral staff. Now we are planting a new church. My day job is "marketing manager".