Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pursuing Purpose

Recently I have thinking about my actions and where I have been spending my time. The question that I have been continually asking myself is this, am I living a life of purpose? Do I pursue activities that are glorifying to God or am I content to live in my rut and do things just because I have always done them.

The conclusion that I came to is that if claim to be a sold out Christian who yearns to see God's name glorified, how can I not be purposeful in all my actions? My life is too short to waste time on activities that in essence have no purpose. Should not all my time be spent in areas that make God's name look glorious and majestic?!

Many people in Orange County are very busy people and it is good to be busy and not lazy, but our busy lives should be much different than non-believers busy lives. They love to play sports and study hard so that their name my be glorified and they may think of how great they are in their own eyes. But as Christians we are not our own masters and we have a different name besides our own to glorify. Therefore, we MUST focus on engaging in sports, clubs, etc that actually do glorify God's name. I pray that we will not buy into this culture and be busy for busy's sake but instead we should be busy for God's glory! This is a serious issue at hand for we must evaluate who we are truly living for!!! We must be purposeful and planned in our actions. As Christians we have to pursue purpose in our own lives so that God's name may be glorified!

So in conclusion, I think it is crucial that since we are called to glorify God in all things(1 Cor 10:31) we as Christians should ask ourselves a few questions:
  • Where do I spend my time?
  • Why do I spend my time in these areas?
  • Is God's name really being glorified in whatever areas I am spending time?
  • Am I content with how I am spending my time?
And lastly..
  • Am I pursuing purpose in my life and actions so that God's name may be glorified?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This blog is titled and focused on discussing the AWESOME power of our God.

Yesterday morning our soccer team went on a hike and it was truly awe-inspiring to be surrounded by such beauty. At the peak was an amazing view as the sun was just beginning to come up(it was a really early hike) While looking out from the peak, I was overwhelmed with the majesty and divinity of our God. The thought that kept on coming to mind was that Truly creation screams out for God to be glorified! One can not look upon such beauty and ignore the glory of the Creator. And to take it even further is the thought that this earthly, majestic beauty can not even compare to the magnificence of God. Moses could not even look at God's face, but instead could only look at His back and even though his face was still glowing for days and they even had to put a veil over his face! And that was only after seeing the back of God!

I inserted this picture to give a visual image of what man and this world calls magnificent or majestic. But as majestic as those mountains may be, they pale in comparison to our Creator. May we never forget that we serve an awesome, infinite, eternal(think about that one for awhile) God! All of His creation cries out for His name to be praised, but the question is do we focus on the creation and forget Creator? May it never be! My prayer is that we will recognize how truly passionate God is about His own glory! All creation was made for the sake of His glory and I pray that we will recognize the great lengths He goes to glorify His own name. So, in turn, we must go to great lengths to make sure that we are doing all we can to glorify His name!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who Prays for it More?!

I just got back from the best week of summer yet, Revival 08! It was so awesome to see God's work and how He glorified His name through the justification of new Christians to the continual sanctification of current believers. All these thoughts of Revival have caused me to think about not only "Who wants it more?" but "Who prays for it more?"

If we really want and desire for Revival to come, isn't only natural that we would be praying for it ALL THE TIME? Whatever we want and desire should manifest itself in our prayer lives. We talk about what we like and want, so it only makes sense that we pray about what we like and what we want. So test yourself, if you really want a Revival to happen, do you even pray about it?

Furthermore, when we pray, what are we praying for? I am so ashamed of my prayers sometimes because it is almost as I forget who I am praying to. When we pray, we are bringing our requests before the Creator of the heavens and the earth! So, why don't we ask for AMAZING things to happen. Do we pray that one person will get saved today or that 1 million people will get saved today. God WILL glorify His own name so why don't we ask Him to do it in a magnificent way. We should expect God to work in astounding ways and we need to pray in such a manner. I fear that we have grown so content with little things happening that we no longer expect God to work in shocking manners. We should pray for another great awakening! Why pray for just one person to get saved when you could pray for EVERY person you know to become a Christian? God has dominion and power over all of the earth, so why don't we ask Him to glorify His name in a monumental fashion? We must remember who we are praying to! If we pray with the right motives, there is nothing wrong with asking God to do PHENOMENAL works among the world. He is a phenomenal God, so shouldn't we pray for His name to be glorified in phenomenal ways?

So when it comes to Revival, if it is truly a desire of our heart we should be praying for it continually. If we are not praying for Revival, well then we don't want Revival. And if we are praying for Revival, how are we praying? Do we pray that Revival will take over one high school group or that it would take over the whole world? May our hearts and prayers be set on Revival and seeing others saved, but let us not settle for only a few people getting saved for we desire God's name to be glorified through thousands and millions getting saved for His glory!