Monday, June 11, 2007

Blog Name- Future Focused

I decided to dedicate this post to explaining why my blog is named the way it is. I choose the name 'Future Focused' for my blog because that is how all Christians should be focused [I also thought it sounded cool and had a nice alliteration going on :) ] As Christians we need to be focused on heaven and our future in eternity. In reality, all mankind should be future focused for each person needs to be concerned about the state of their soul. I have been working on becoming 'Future Focused' as of lately especially since I heard two monumental sermons that were extremely convicting.

I attend The Master's College and before the spring semester my school hosts a conference called Truth & Life. It is an amazing conference in which pastors from across the country are brought in to present God's powerful and living Word(Hbrs 4:12) to our student body. This conference a pastor named Dr. Art Azurdia gave a sermon titled "Fixing our eyes on the Cross". It was an amazing sermon that challenged all Christians to not focus on anything in our life but rather on focus solely on Christ. He spoke on Hebrews 12 and running the race in a manner where your gaze is set solely on the finish. He challenged us to not think about the next exam or what career we would have but rather to remain focused on Christ and His Cross. It was an amazing sermon that convicted me to keep my focus while running this race solely on Jesus and living as He did so that at the end of the race I may receive my prize and hear well done good and faithful servant(Mtthw 25:21)

The second inspirational sermon was giving by the pastor of my church, Compass Bible Church. Our pastor, Dr. Mike Fabarez, gave a sermon on building our boat not our house. The key point to the message was the we can focus on building on riches and acquiring wealth and success on earth but one day all that will pass away and a metaphorical flood will wash away all that we have stored up on earth and all that we will have left is what we have put into our proverbial boat. We will be living in this boat* for eternity and because of this we should focus on building our boat and not our building our house which will be washed away(Mtthw 6:19-21).

These two sermons have really helped me change my focus from worrying about the things of this life(Mtthw 6:25-34) to focusing more on my future and where and how I will be spending eternity. So I am resolved to be more 'Future Focused' with my actions and thoughts as I continue to run this race. I want to keep my eye on the finish lines and store up treasures in heaven so that I may run the race well and receive my prize.

*NOTE- It is not a literal boat or flood but rather these terms were used metaphorically for boat represents our place in heaven and flood represents the destruction of the earth which will contain much than a flood


Ben Blakey said...


Herro and sweet blog. That Azurdia message was possibly the best sermon I've heard at TMC chapel. We all need sermons like that and blogs like this to keep us future focused.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

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